How Effective is Neutrogena Dermabrasion?

By far, the process of dermabrasion is one of the most popular skin care techniques, and Neutrogena Dermabrasion is a great budget friendly alternative. Often, tradition dermabrasion can take a huge chunk out of your budget and requires squeezing appointments with aestheticians and spas into your busy life.

Furthermore, professional dermabrasion can often leave your face reddened and raw, since the chemicals and actual tool used can be quite harsh and may be inappropriate for sensitive skin. On the other hand, this Neutrogena acne product can be purchased in your local grocery or drug store and use it whenever you have the time.

How it Works

The Neutrogena Dermabrasion kit works by using a battery-powered tool to abrade your skin and remove the topmost layer, in addition to any dead skin cells that can potentially block your pores.

This abrasion tool is a small hand held device with a pumice stone like appearance. Some of the more professional tools are tipped with tiny diamonds, so this tool gives a semi-professional result.

However, since you have the tool in your skin care collection, you can use it on a regular basis, whereas you would probably not attend dermabrasion sessions on a weekly or even biweekly schedule.

Using the Neutrogena Lotion with your Dermabrasion

In addition to the abrasion tool, the Neutrogena Dermabrasion kit includes a specially designed lotion that is applied to the skin before the tool is used. This lotion works to ready your skin for the abrasion tool and is specifically manufactured for this purpose.

Be sure to only use the products included in the kit, since you will receive the best results and reduce any possible interactions by mixing items.

Furthermore, the long revered Neutrogena product line is always a forerunner in the field of acne fighting and strives to create treatments that will result in healthy, vibrant skin.

Finally, the Neutrogena Dermabrasion kit includes a finishing lotion that will apply a final layer of protection over your newly abraded skin. This lotion allows a smooth finish and will reduce any redness that may result from using the tool to remove the skin cells.

Additionally, this lotion works to condition your skin, allowing it to remain healthier for longer due to its moisturizing properties. This property will allow you to be able to reduce your dermabrasion sessions and allow the abraded affect to remain visible for a longer period of time.

In the end, it is no surprise that the Neutrogena Dermabrasion kit is one of the most popular Neutrogena Skin Care Products. The kit is easy to use and has clearly written instructions that will answer any questions or concerns you may have about using the abrasion tool.

The Cost of Dermabrasion

Furthermore, the price is a mere fraction of that of professional dermabrasion processes and the sheer convenience of the entire kit means that you will use the product more regularly and receive better results. The cost can range between $25 and $45.

Additional lotions can be purchased without having to buy the entire kit again, allowing you to continue to reduce the cost of your dermabrasion kit with each and every use.

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