
by Anushka

It's the most horrid harsh system i have ever used! Instead of treating my cystic acne it worsened it!! On top it all it literally burnt my sensitive skin:( Please people with severe acne or sensitive skin dont use it.

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May 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

After you become acclimated then you next problem is to get off the drug, your bacteria will grow and your acne will get awful if you stop using the drug. Its a terrible cycle. This is not a long term acne treatment, its not even allowed in Europe, how the US drug companies can keep this stuff legal is beyond me.

Feb 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Proactive works effectively for all skin types, what they neglect to mention is that your skin has to become acclimated to benzoyl peroxide, this tolerance must be built up over time (1+ months), and you will without a doubt experience redness and flaking for the first 3 weeks, once your body's chemistry recognizes the treatment you will no longer have redness. You must use all three steps to succeed and use it liberally, remember to use it 2 times a day at the exact same times every day, if you miss your timing even by a few hours this can throw your skin's rhythm off and cause further breakouts. I've tried literally 40+ products and Proactive through persistence and discipline is the only thing that has ever worked for me. p.s. also remember to let the toner completely dry on your face before applying the lotion, this provides a shield against the harshness of the lotion.

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