by unknown
I never really experienced a problem with acne, but all through my teen years and 20's I would consistantly get blemishes. I finally decided to try Proactive and get rid of all blemish problems, or so I thought. I began using Proactive in the fall and within months my skin looked and felt absolutely AMAZING! I thought this is what I have been looking for all of my life. I wasn't experiencing any breakouts at all and people were complimenting me on how wonderful my skin looked. About a year later I worked and lived outdoors for a summer photography job and began to use Proactive less and less. By the end of the summer and beginning of the fall I noticed breakouts like I had never seen before! I used Proactive again thinking my skin was missing the benefits. I was terribly wrong. I then decided to quit using it all together. NOW one year later I am sorry to say that my skin has experienced some of the worst ACNE issues of my life. Now I have ACNE and would give anything to go back to just having blemishes. MY pores are much larger and the oil production is so bad I cannot keep shine off of my face.
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