Rooibos tea controls oily skin?

by Natasha

I have had very oily skin all of my life. It's a blessing in some ways as those little wrinkles don't seem to be there now that I'm at the age of 56 but I still get frustrated by the excessive amount of oil that can leech through my skin causing blemishes, etc.

Over the past few months and for most of my adult life I have taken a plethora of health supplements. Recently though, oh about six months or more ago I noticed my skin was clearing up dramatically and that the constant oil was becoming less and less.

I wanted to know what it is that I am doing differently or taking that is helping to diminish the oil on my face? So...I began experiementing with various supplements, taking them then not taking them to see what was making the difference in my complexion.

I stopped drinking rooibos tea for awhile and slowly the oil on the face began returning until my skin was as oily as always. Then I began experiementing again. Several days ago I began drinking rooibos again, a very strong cup and I have now noticed that my oily skin seems to be clearing again. I wondered this morning if it could be the rooibos tea and so I googled rooibos tea and oily skin and presto I found your site!

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Aug 25, 2016
Rooibos tea is effective!
by: Yvette

Thanks for sharing your experience. Sometimes we just have to try and test until we find out what works.

I'm sure there's other teas and amazing things out there that work wonders and we don't even know about.

Best of luck going forward.

Jan 30, 2013
Change for the better!
by: Anonymous

I know you probably think it's weird for a guy to post something about skin care. But my frank opinion on my skin's change? I'd say it was radical. I also had greasy skin for almost the whole of my teenager phase. Although I'm only 22, since I started drinking Rooibos tea, my skin showed visible results. Not to mention more radiance. I've even tried to wash my face with Rooibos tea, and it doesn't seem to disappoint. All an all? I'd say it's a win-win situation when you have excess oil on the surface on your skin. I guess I no longer have to shroud myself from the world out there. Thanks to one product that changed view on life. This God's divine gift should be available to all of us. I approve it.

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