Still considering accutane...

by Maria
(United Arab Emirates)

I have mild to moderate acne on my face, chest and back and i am considering going on accutane. Reading about your home remedies makes me hesitant a bit, i have to find this rooibos tea but i have to admit that home remedies aren't exactly practical to incorporate into our busy hectic lives today!

I am still considering whether a low dose (20 g a day for 4-6 months) would produce the serious side effects of accutane... still lots to think about. Your story is inspiring. Many thanks for a great & informative site!

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Aug 24, 2016
Do what you feel is right...
by: Yvette

Maria, thanks for your thoughts and feedback! Certainly the home remedies route can take time, and it could be one step forward, three steps back, and it could be frustrating - yes! But if it works, it is also a more natural way to combat skin problems while staying quite healthy.

However, if you feel comfortable using Accutane after weighing all the pros and cons, it certainly could work out well for you. I do have a friend who used it with very quick results....his acne did come back after a few months, but he was able to control it with more doses, so it did work in the end for him.

Best of luck and I hope whatever path you choose it works out for you.

Oct 13, 2010
Take it
by: Anonymous

I was in the same position and I didn't want to take it so I took another drug called trimethoprim and I was on it for 4 months and my skin just got worse. Now I'm on accutane. I haven't had a single spot in a month and trust me my acne was severe so please take it. The only side effects I got were dry lips and a dry reddness on my arms. I also used differin cream which can be easily prescibed by your doctor.

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