Zenmed Derma Cleanse Acne System

by Sarah
(Orange County, CA)

I suffered from moderate-severe acne since my teens. I found relief only after using this acne treatment. The entire system helped me to cure my acne from inside as well as outside. Due to office work and home related stress, I used to have frequent acne flare ups but after using the system, I feel my body is relaxed after a hard days work. Overall, its a good treatment for acne and that works.

Comments for Zenmed Derma Cleanse Acne System

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Mar 11, 2010
Tne Best Acne Treatment
by: Genelia

I have been using this acne stuff for 2 weeks now and can see that its working for me. I won't give it "5 Stars" rating unless I see that my acne has completely healed. This is because I have tried many other products which work well during the first few weeks and then tend to give more skin problems. Btw, so far I haven't experienced any skin reaction by using it.

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