Accutane 1 Month In

by Mike
(Beantown MA)

I've always had slight acne as in a pimple here or there on my face and usually a good number on my back, but then I started playing football and the stress of junior year in high school led to the last 6 months with the most painful and awful looking acne on both my cheeks and my back and the rest of my face and chest.

It not only looked awful but felt awful and most likely severely impacted my confidence and mental state of health. I started accutane one month ago and I'm glad to say it seems to have started working immediately! Though I must admit I also stopped playing hockey at the time since the season ended.

Accutane has probably caused me to be depressed sometimes, but I've honestly been depressed the last 7 months not being able to look myself in the mirror. I have headaches sometimes and my skin does get very dry, for which I recommend Eucerin Calming Cream. I use a combination of the Oxy Sacylic Acid, Oxy Benzoyl Peroxide and Differin gel on my face as well as Oxy Body Wash on my back shoulders and chest.

I'm happy to say that I've made huge improvements and it no longer hurts to talk or smile as it did when the acne was worse. I'm starting to get some self confidence back and most of the big bumps from acne on my face are gone although the back chest and shoulders lag behind, I can tell the medicine is working on them too. Lips get extremely dry while on accutane and I must have Blistex with me at all times or they dry up very quickly. I've also been told to drink lots of water.

Accutane has een very successful for me so far even though it's early in the treatment and I hope it keeps up the good work. The side effects are definitely worth it because the acne was effecting me physically in sports, smiling, getting pats on the back amd not wanting to hug people and so much more and mentally because it would hurt to do those things and I couldn't look myself in the mirror. Go accutane!

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